Check out the Bulgarian press release!
Mediterranean Inclusive Schools
Inclusive schools, multilingual framework, intercultural education, reception classrooms
Building Inclusion through New Learning Methodology
Mental arithmetic, abacus, micro motoric, photographic and muscular memory
Reinforcing Educator's Competences for Counselling and Motivation
early school leaving, labour market, professional counseling, career guidance, educators
early school leaving, drop-outs, teachers, youth unemployment, non-formal education, innovative tools
UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion
early school leaving, labour market, teachers, innovation, students, citizenship
4 Creativities
empowering teachers, early school leaving, students, motivation, innovative tool, creativity
SCHOOLS ENGAGE: Service Learning as a vehicle for fostering active citizenship in secondary education across Europe
school, citizenship, secondary education, service learningGreenGenerations: tackling climate change through intergenerational learning
ecology green methods environment generation climate changeLARPIC: Live Action Role Play to Increase Youth Active Citizenship
innovative learning methods role playWondering what we ant to achieve with the project? Keep on reading?
📢 Exciting Update from the S4B - Digital Soft Skills for Blended Learning Teachers' Training Event in Sofia, Bulgaria! 🎉
We've completed an incredible training, and it was all about enhancing our digital soft skills for blended learning! 💻✨
Interested to find out more about the project?
Check out the fourth project newsletter here!
Stay tuned for more news!