


projectslogo.yo.usName: YOuth workers USing Theatre Augmenting cReativity

YO.US.T.A.R. focuses on theatre and performing arts as tools to foster the social inclusion of young people, based on an innovative theatre methods. The project has three overall objectives:

  1. To increase the social inclusion of young people through theatre, building on the European values of acceptance of diversity and tolerance, and the promotion of intercultural dialogue.
  2. To give young people a space where they can use theatre to foster self-esteem, self-consciousness and confidence in a new and stimulating environment;
To offer staff working with youth in theatres and NGOs a tool (the YO.US.T.A.R. toolkit) which will enable deeper understanding of their clients and will increase their professional skills in the field of art and social inclusion.

- Literature Review and a Methodological Framework

- YO.US.T.A.R. Toolkit with pilot sessions in all partner countries, where young participants will be trained in the YO.US.T.A.R. method for a total of 210 youngsters with fewer opportunities

- YOUSTAR Recommendations for practitioners and compared analysis, where theatre staff and youth workers will find useful tips to work with theatre techniques and youth with fewer opportunities.


№: 2020-1-IT03-KA227-YOU-020563

Programme: Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Partnerships for Creativity

Duration: 01.03.2021 - 28.02.2023

Partners: CENTRO INTERCULTURALE ARTISTICO SICILIANO – LA GUILLA, Italy, MOSAIC POLITISMOS & DIMIOURGIKOTITA, Greece, Know and Can Association, Bulgaria, MIR AKADEMIEN AB, Sweden, ProSoc - drustvo za implementacijo projektov in razvoj socialnega podjetnistva, Slovenia, ASSOCIATION KULTURANOVA UDRUZENJE, Serbia, ASOCIACION CULTURAL Y DEPORTIVA LAHOYA, Spain

Website: https://youstar.info/



YO.US.T.A.R.: project end and final results

youstar logoIt is time for the project to end and we would like to thank all our partners for the fruitful work!