Name: Diversity Management and Inclusive Employment for ethnic minorities and migrants in SMEs and NGOs
DIME project will support social and economic integration of migrants and ethnic minorities via awareness-rising and training of employers at SMEs and NGOs.
Objectives and goals:
- To carry out fieldstudy with employers
- To develop training material in diversity management and Inclusion at the workplace
- To carry out training for 40 organisations reaching out to 400- 600 employers
- To raise awareness on labour market discrimination based on ethnicity in partner countries and EU- Fieldwork for analysis of obstacles for employment of migrants and ethical minorities from the perspective of employers
- Development of methodology and training material for employers for promoting diversity management and inclusion at the workplace in SMEs and NGOs
- Training of facilitators and piloting activitiesInfo
Programme:Justice Programme (JUST), Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC)
Duration:November 2020 – October 2022
Partners: Know and Can Association, Bulgaria, MIR Akademien, Sweden, CEIPES, Italy, Business College Helsinki, Finland
E-MotiOn project promotes inclusion, equal participation for all, and diversity in school education. Supporting students with fewer opportunities, those experiencing emotional and behavioral problems are one of the main target groups of the project’s activities. An inclusive approach for all students will be promoted, as teachers find it particularly difficult to connect with students, exposed to social exclusion, and the school and classroom climate can be damaged by their behaviour. Thus, an Inclusion and Diversity Strategy will support participants with fewer opportunities and help to address the obstacles they are facing and contribute to more inclusive and diverse education across Europe.Name: EMO: E-MotiOn
- E-MotiOn Creative Activities KIT
- E-MotiOn Sharing and Promoting activitiesInfo
Programme:Erasmus+, KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education
Duration:01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024
Partners: 84 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VASIL LEVSKI- Bulgaria, Know and Can- Bulgaria, GROWTH COOP- Spain, CARLOS V SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA DE ENSEÑANZA- Spain, CENTRUL PENTRU PROMOVAREA INVATARII PERMANENTE TIMISOARA ASOCIATIA- Romania, Liceul Teoretic Grigore Moisil Timisoara- Romania, Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje- Slovenia, OS MIHE PINTARJA TOLEDA- Slovenia; -
Name: Mapping the Music of Migration
The project is driven by the principle that innovative training spaces can form integration strategies that can actively help tackle issues of diversity and social inclusion common across the EU.
The project aims to use storytelling about music as a positive mechanism to counter negative stereotypes and to open up spaces for learning and development.
The project has three objectives:
- to give migrants a space where they can use music to tell their song stories and to increase their self-esteem in a new environment;
- to offer staff working in NGOs with migrants a tool (the MaMuMi workshop) which will enable deeper understanding of their clients;
- the Music Migration Map will be a free to use interactive app that will evidence migrant stories and journeys;The results of MaMuMi are:
- increased understanding of the histories and emotional pasts of migrants
- increased NGOs’ understanding for migrants’ background;
- Visibility of specific migration journeys narrated by migrants themselves via the
MaMuMi method of talking about music;• Мethodological framework
• MaMuMi Music Workshops
• MaMuMi Audio Collection
• MaMuMi Music Migration Map
• Briefing PaperInfo
№: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-061966
Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Duration: 01.11.2019 – 31.10.2021
Know and Can Association – Bulgaria;
Asociación Caminos – Asociación para el
intercambio educación y desarrollo socia – Spain;
Website: https://mamumi.eu/ -
Name: ICT for Seniors’ Social Inclusion
21st century is marked with rapid transformation and advances in technology and ICT but also low birth rate and increasing number of seniors. Today, there are new concepts for everything that seniors are unfamiliar with: new socialization methods, new ways to manage money, new ways to reserve a room, new ways to shop… Seniors are often lost to do the simplest tasks they were so skilled in the past and these changes in society related to ICT and technology are becoming obstacles to them and contribute to their social exclusion due to digital divide. Lifelong learning is an important tool for social inclusion of seniors and active aging but to access many resources they need to be ICT literate (such as signing up for activities), have e-mail accounts and use smart phones. Therefore, these two new societal changes should complement one another, not contradict each other. Seniors should learn ICT skills and use ICT as a new means for social inclusion by learning ethical dimensions and risks as well. lack of ICT knowledge makes seniors vulnerable to risks such as victimized by fraud, sharing personal information that can endanger their safety.
Technological trends should serve the needs of seniors’ social inclusion and to ensure this, seniors should have access to ITC, learn the new world and how to live in it. The Social Ethical and Privacy Needs in ICT for Older People focuses on this need as well as other EU initiatives.- increased social inclusion skills for seniors
- increased ICT skills and competences for seniors
- increased competences and skills for educators in partner organizations
- increased capacity of partner organizations to serve seniors and inclusive EU
- 6 short term joint training events and 1 transnational meeting with 126 participants from 9 partners (18 participants in each event) in addition to local participants and stakeholders who attend these events
- Good Practice Resource Guide and Seniors@ICT social media channel
Number: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-059175
Programme:ERASMUS+; KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA204- Strategic partnership for adult education
Duration:15.11.2018 - 14.01.2021
Partners: BOLU VALILIGI– Turkey;
Bolu Izzet Baysal Halk Egitimi Merkezi – Turkey; Active Citizens Partnership – Greece; PRO-MED sp. z o. o. – Poland;
Associacio Cultural Meet and Map – Spain;
Know and Can - Bulgaria; European Development Innovation Network – United Kingdom; Merseyside Expanding Horizons Limited – United Kingdom; Associazione Memoria Immagine – Italy;