


projectslogo.UP2BName: UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion

Early school leaving (ESL) is a multi-faced and complex problem caused by mixture of personal, social, economic, education or family-related reasons. Schools play an important role in addressing ESL but they cannot and should not work in isolation. There is a need to adopt a more flexible approach and to combine the forces of various stakeholders in the process of reducing ESL at EU level – students, parents, teachers and pedagogical staff, business sector and labour market operators, policy makers and non-formal education institutions.

UP2B objectives are:
-To enhance school attractiveness, diminishing rates of demotivation and absence and rates of ESL
-To facilitate the relationship and the transition between school and the labour market
-To increase students’ sense of citizenship by generating awareness about the labour market
-To increase the sense of European Citizenship and its core values of equity, namely concerning Gender, Minorities and Human Rights, as fundamental Educational aspects

Target groups:
• Students 12-16 y.o.
• Teachers, trainers, pedagogical staff
• School communities (managers, administrative staff; educational councellors; parents)
• Operators on the labour market


• An online platform of pedagogical resources to be fed and used by teachers

• A Manual that will highlight the relationship between multiple school subjects and a set of professions

• A Compendium with pedagogical tools related to the Citizenship and the Labour Market – short, practical and attractive activities aiming to increase the motivation and participation of the students

• An Online Compendium - ready-made digital activities to boost up the classroom environment



№: 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061346
Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
Duration: 31.12.2019 - 29.6.2022

APLOAD Lda – Portugal;
Universidade do Porto – Portugal;
Terras Dentro – Portugal;
Know and Can Association – Bulgaria;
University of Çukurova – Turkey;
Çukurova Kaymakamligi – Turkey;
BrainLog – Denmark;
Rigas Pardaugavas Pamatskola – Latvia;
CETEM – Spain

Website: http://up2b.eu/



UP2B- Online meeting

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Time for UP2B online meeting! We are discussing the project activities and the implementation and usage of the outcomes:

UP2B- Multiplier Event

logo up2b 03bco 244x122We are happy to announce that the project Multiplier event took place on October 28th in Ramada Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria.

UP2B: ‘School & Job’ Matching Handbook

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Check out the ‘School & Job’ Matching Handbook!

UP2B- ‘Boost Up Your Class’- more activities

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Check out the addtional activities connected to the ‘Boost Up Your Class’ handbook.

UP2B- Meeting

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Time for Partnership meeting of the UP2B project, which aims to increase the attractiveness of school, reduce drop-out rate, facilitate the transition process between the education system and the labour market, promote European citizenship and values.

UP2B: ‘Boost Up Your Class’

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Check out the ‘Boost Up Your Class’ handbook.

UP2B- online platform

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Check out the ‘School & Job’ Community of Practice (CoP) and Active Repository of Teaching Tool.

UP2B- check out the latest news

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Wanna know more about the latest project news?