• Empowering Youth Through Art: The "Directed By You(th)" Project

    projectslogo.directedbyloughtConnecting Passion, Empowerment, and Civic Engagement

    In a world where civic engagement among the youth is more critical than ever, the European Union has taken a pioneering step towards fostering a sense of purpose and connection within the younger generation. The "Directed By You(th)" project, funded by the EU, is a beacon of hope, addressing issues of civic apathy, disenfranchisement, and low democratic trust among European youth.





    projectslogo.emotionName: LARPIC: Live Action Role Play to Increase Youth Active Citizenship

    The core idea of our project is to offer opportunities to young people to actively participate in civic and democratic life of their communities and countries by the means of Life Action Role Play (LARP). By using the innovative learning method Life Action Role Play, teachers and trainers will develop the key competences of their students which address the priority in the field of school education - Developing key competences. LARP will support teachers in delivering competence-based teaching which allows students to advance, based on their ability to master a skill or competency at their own pace regardless of environment.

    EN Co Funded by the EU POS


    - Live Action Role Play: Citizens: A package with instructions, based on which the educators will be able to run a LARP with their groups;
    - Guide manual and visual materials how to do LARP at school and out-of-school Environment: A Guide with a narrative and visual part;




    Programme:KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education

    Duration:01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024

    Partners: 203. Profilirana ezikova gimnaziya "Sveti Metodii"- Bulgaria, CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE PER LA PROMOZIONE DELL'EDUCAZIONE E LO SVILUPPO ASSOCIAZIONE- Italy, Know and Can- Bulgaria, DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO- Poland, Mise HERo s.r.o.- Czech Republic;

  • Овластяване на младежи чрез изкуство: Проект "Режисирано от теб" ("Directed By You(th)

    projectslogo.directedbyloughtСвързване на страстта, овластяването и гражданската ангажираност
    В свят, в който гражданската ангажираност на младите хора е по-важна от всякога, Европейският съюз предприе новаторска стъпка към насърчаване на чувството за цел и връзка в младото поколение. Проектът "Directed By You(th)", финансиран от ЕС, е пример за оптимизъм, тъй като е насочен към проблемите на гражданската апатия, безправието и ниското доверие в демокрацията сред европейската младеж.