Shared Voluntary Trials




Name: Shared Voluntary Trials

The project is designed for empowering volunteers at their working and learning path with socially and physically disadvantaged communities of Palermo to raise their self-esteem and self-efficacy and providing co-working and co-learning space with the European volunteers, local staff and communities will provide favourable conditions for practicing foreign languages in both personal and professional settings


  1. To unleash the social and professional capital of young volunteers by developing and reinforcing their transversal skills and Key Competences, crucial for their social inclusion and economic integration
  2. To foster a culture of entrepreneurship and initiative in young people by providing a conducive space for translating their creative and innovative ideas into reality
  3. To reinforce inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, cherished diversity and multilingualism by bringing together young volunteers and migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at the co-working, co-learning and communication space
  4. To trigger communication and mutual understanding between local migrant communities and disabled locals through the volunteers acting as intermediaries between them
  • Awareness raising campaign on ‘Migration & Disability’ to foster active participation in European society
  • Video on “shared paths towards social inclusion” showing the activities implemented during the European Voluntary Service mobility (EVS) and underlying the role volunteers can have as intermediaries between migrants, disabled people and local communities


Number: 2017-1-IT03-KA105-010450
Programme: Erasmus+, KA1, Youth, European Voluntary Service
Period: 01/08/2017- 31/07/2019
Partners: Know and Can Association, Bulgaria, CESIE, Italy


"Being a volunteer is more than a job. It's a mission! Passion. Force. Love."- here is more of Peter's experience

Shared voluntary trails imagePeter is getting more and more experience in his voluntary service. Here is what he shared with us:

Shared Voluntary Trails- here is some more of Peter's experience.

Shared voluntary trails imageWe are very happy to announce that our volunteer- Peter is doing great in his voluntary service! Here is what he shared with us:

"Hello to everyone in the world of fairy tales!" What does Peter say about his voluntary service?

Shared voluntary trails imageWe are very happy to announce Peter's voluntary experience in Shared Voluntary Trails Project (2017-1-IT03-KA105-010450). Here is what he told us:

Shared Voluntary Trails- we chose a volunteer!

Shared voluntary trails imageWe are happy to announce that we have chosen a volunteer for Shared Voluntary Trails Project (2017-1-IT03-KA105-010450)!

We really fall in love with Peter because of his charm and motivation to work on the project. Here is what he told us:

Official start of activities of Shared Voluntary Trails Project!

Shared voluntary trails imageWe are very happy to announce that we have started working on Shared Voluntary Trails Project (2017-1-IT03-KA105-010450).