📣 We are happy to announce the launch of the final press release for the SkillHelp project.
👇 Explore it below here and also on the project website by clicking the link: https://skillhelp-project.eu/skillhelp-press-release-2/
About |
Results |
- increasing the level of soft skills of employees in the area of social assistance; - improving competences related to their professional practice; - empowerment of social workers; - improving the level of service to social workers, emphasizing the emotional and psychological aspect of the services they provide; - strengthening the relationship between the social worker and his client; - improving the well-being of social workers; - increasing job satisfaction of social workers and other groups/people involved in social work; |
- Diagnostic Tool for Assessment of Soft Skills; - E-learning platform fostering soft skills improvement; - Online course empowering social workers; |
Info№: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000035104 Programme: Erasmus+, KA220-ADU - Cooperation partnerships in adult education Duration: 28.02.2022 - 27.02.2024 Partners: STOWARZYSZENIE "EURO LIDER"- Poland, INSTALOFI LEVANTE SL- Spain, CSI CENTER FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION LTD- Cyprus, CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND INNOVATION- Greece, ASSIST SOFTWARE SRL- Romania, Know and Can Association, Bulgaria;social workers |
Check out our project results! Check out our project results! If you wanna know more abou the third project result: SkillHelp Online Course, continue reading!
Check out our project results! If you wanna know more abou the second project result SkillHelp eLearning Platform, continue reading!
Check out our project results! If you wanna know more abou the first project result SkillHelp Diagnostics Tool, continue reading!