We are happy to announce the official Hanbook of Global Artists Project!
About |
Results |
Global Artists aims to contribute to the entrepreneurial and social empowerment of 60 young artists in four European countries through an innovative and creative approach. The organisations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and Italy will seek to improve the professional and social competences of the young people through training actions and internships in local NGOs, in which the young people will be involved. This initiative will end with a final conference in which young people exchange and publicly show their experiences of participation in NGOs. |
- Handbook - Guide to the Global Artist Training - Training in artistic entrepreneurship, social innovation and technologies - Internships in social organisations |
Info№: 2020-1-ES02-KA227-YOU-016766 Programme: KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA205-Strategic Partnerships for youth; Duration: 01.03.2021 - 31.10.2022 Partners: Instituto de Estudios Internacionales en Educación y Sociedad- Spain, A HUESO- Spain, CENTRO INTERCULTURALE ARTISTICO SICILIANO- LA GUILLA- Italy, Udruga Llere- Croatia, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria; |
We are happy to announce that we took part in the second meeting of the Global Artists project!
We are happy to announce the start and kick-off meeting of the Global Artists project!
We are happy to announce the official start of Global Artists Project!