


Name: Create a puppet – Create yourself! Theatre for Social Integration

The project aims at developing, testing and widely disseminating an innovative methodology based on creative approach in adult education. It is also focused on the needs of disadvantaged adult learners with a view to training social and civic competences.

Aims: The project is planned in 6 steps:

  1. Short-term Joint Staff training: Teatr Grodzki presents the usage of puppetry art and psychodrama in adult education
  2. Pilot workshops: All partners test the puppetry methods implementing local workshops with adults
  3. A VLCE – good practice platform for exchanging teaching experience throughout the project
  4. Creation of methodological guidelines for the use of puppet theatre in adult education and social inclusion programs
  5. Creation of a compendium – a presentation of five different teaching processes by puppetry
  6. Dissemination events
  • Methodological Guidelines - description of methods developed by the international project team
  • Platform for Sharing Best Practices which will provide the environment for on-line learning
  • Multilingual E-Compendium - detailed description of different learning processes, step-by-step, and supported by evaluation conclusions.


Number: N°: 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038462
Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
Period: 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2019
Partners: Bielskie Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne TEATR GRODZKI, Poland, Citizens Theatre, UK, Youth Centre Babilonas, Lithuania, Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Italy, Know And Can Association, Bulgaria


Create a Puppet- the final output is ready

cc logo v smallDanilo Dolci and the partners of "Create Your Puppet, Create Yourself" is also developing a follow-up intellectual product - "Multilingual Online Compendium".

Second Multiplier Event for Create a Puppet Project

cc logo v smallThe event was organized in Vasil Aprilov School in Dolna Mitropolia, Bulgaria on September 3rd, 2019.

Multiplier event for Create a Puppet Project

cc logo v smallThe event took place in the Earth and National Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria on June 11th 2019.

Fourth Partner Meeting for “Create a puppet, create yourself”

cc logo v smallThe fourth partnership meeting for "Create a puppet, create yourself" project was held on June 5 and 6, 2019. in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Third Partner Meeting for Create a Puppet Project

cc logo v smallThe third partner meeting for Create a Puppet Project was held on 16th and 17th January in the office of Know and Can Association in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Create a Puppet- Platform for sharing best practices

cc logo v smallThe platform for sharing best practices developed jointly by „Teatr Grodzki“ and the partners of “Create your puppet, create yourself”, can be found at

Create a Puppet project- Output 1 is ready!

cc logo v smallWe are very happy to announce that a very important stage of project Create your puppet, create yourself (2017-1-PL01-KA204-038462) has finished. Output 1- Mehtodological Guidelines is ready!

Second partner meeting under Create a Puppet project!

cc logo v smallOn the 6th and 7th June 2018 in Palermo, Italy the second partner meeting under project Create your puppet, create yourself (2017-1-PL01-KA204-038462) was done.