A good practice is not only a practice that is good, but a practice that has been proven to work well and produce good results, and is therefore recommended as a model. It is a successful experience, which has been tested and validated, in the broad sense, which has been repeated and deserves to be shared so that a greater number of people can adopt it. We present to your attention the Good practice described during the training event in Rome, Italy!
About |
Results |
Name: Quality Learning Experience=Quality Active Ageing Every country analysis in Europe shows that in each country the population is increasingly ageing. For old people, especially when retired, there is increased importance in receiving a quality opportunity as attendance at classes are often the few times they leave their house and have social interaction. Lifelong learning is an important contributor to active ageing and ensures that people stay active, have a sense of purpose, do not become socially isolated (with impacts on mental health) and increase their circle of friends to rely upon. The project will research these links from a community perspective and promote how to maximise the positive outcome that result. Collecting good practices from the participant countries, adapting and implementing them at home country, preparation of collective enhanced recommendations will enrich the possibilities for the old people to have more opportunities for active social life. This project brings together partners with a commitment to working pro-actively and creatively with the project target group and putting in practice ways to engage and motivate older people in active learning. |
InfoNumber: 2016-1-UK01-KA204-024571 |
During Quality Active Ageing, Quality Learning Experience project we are looking for the most interesting good practices in each country visited, to be described and spread in a Guide, final product of the project. We present to your attention the Good practice described during the training event in Bulgaria!
Municipality Retirement Club Slatina
As part of the Quality Learning Experience = Quality Active Ageing project, we are looking for the most interesting good practice case studies in each country visited. These will be included in a Guide, the final product of the project. Good practice is by definition the best possible: proven to work well; produce good results; tested and validated; and therefore recommended as a model to be shared and adopted more widely.
Обучение по проект QAA - Яунпилс, Латвия (7-13 май 2018)
Приемащата организация е от Яунпилс
Градче с 2400 жители. Поминъкът е предимно земеделие, селски туризъм.
Предложената ни програма беше изключително богата и разнообразна.
Една седмица в Атина в поредната обмяна на добри практики за възрастни по проекта „Достойни и активни старини“.
As part of the Quality Learning Experience = Quality Active Ageing project, we are looking for the most interesting good practice case studies in each country visited. These will be included in a Guide, the final product of the project. We present to your attention the Good practice described during the training event in Athens, Greece!
As part of the Quality Learning Experience = Quality Active Ageing project, we are looking for the most interesting good practice case studies in each country visited. These will be included in a Guide, the final product of the project. We present to your attention the Good practice described during the training event in Kaunas, Lithuania!
Culinary heritage - Inter-generational culinary and cultural heritage education program
От 2-ри до 6-ти октомври 2017 в рамките на обмена на добри практики по проекта QAA – Достоен и Активен живот в трета възраст, представители на партньорските организации от Латвия, Литва, Великобритания, България, Италия и Испания бяха в гостоприемната организация Социален Иновационен Фонд в Каунас, Литва. В групата имаше и нови лица освен вече добре познатите лица. Домакините предложиха богата програма съчетаваща освен примери на добри практики и социална програма, запознаваща със забележителностите, историята и културата на Литва.