At the moment the final project meeting of D-VET is taking place in Bolu,
About |
Results |
In the last years, the educational world has seen an explosion of distance and online learning. Much of it has been in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which forced schools shut for extended periods and led to three main consequences in the educational sector – firstly, technological challenges and secondly, there was the pedagogy and third, students had to be taught in a new way of learning. The definition of "going to school" has changed as most of teaching and learning happens from homes. The regular delivery of education and training was put on task and force educators to face a lot of challenges connected to the sudden shift to online and distance learning. Teaching through digital technologies is not temporary but the base of the future teaching so well-prepared and trained educators are needed. Digitization brings many new opportunities, but it also presents significant challenges for educators, especially those working in VET sector because of the specifics of the subjects taught as well as because of the mainly practical approach of the vocational subjects. Divergences persist with regard to the supply of digital infrastructure and equipment, as well as the educators’ possession of adequately digital competences. The twin digital and green transitions and the disruptions induced by COVID-19 bring about significant structural changes in educational systems, especially in VET, and will fundamentally change the teaching and learning requirements of many vocational subjects. This increases the importance of upskilling and reskilling of VET educators. |
• A Methodology for the elaboration of online lessons for educational practitioners how online tools can be used in VET schools, especially to teach vocational subjects. The Methodology will provide a robust teacher training package, with a • A collection of online lessons in vocational subjects – both made during the duration of the project based on the Methodology, or collected by partners on national and European level. • Online wiki for sharing lessons and experience which will be elaborated during the project implementation as an online platform where teachers can search for lesson plans and digital resources to teach certain curricular contents connected to VET. |
Info№: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000033051 Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training Duration: 01.11.2021 – 31.10.2023 Partners: |
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Check out the project website where you can find the project results and useful information.
D-VET meeting took place last week in the beautiful Aveiro, 🇵🇹 Portugal.
A training for creation of innovative curricula for vocational education is taking place between August 29th and September 2nd 2023 in Cyprus.
❓ Are you 👩🏫 a trainer in formal or non-formal vocational education? Do you want to gain new knowledge and practical skills to create online lessons? Join a free teacher training!