


    Name:Empowering VET Teachers – Innovative & Enhanced CPD for Newly Qualified VET Teachers Working with Migrant Students

    The project “ Empowering VET Teachers – Innovative & Enhanced CPD for Newly Qualified VET Teachers Working with Migrant Students” is an innovative and transnational undertaking that contributes to overall objectives of Europe 2020 in which it has been identified that VET systems should be attractive and inclusive with highly qualified VET teachers equipping learners with both key competences and specific vocational skills. VET teachers act as social agents contributing to the development of the skilled workforce that is crucial for the EU to compete globally, foster social inclusion and sustain its high living standards.

    The project overall objective is to improve the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of newly qualified VET teachers working with students from variety of ethnic backgrounds after their induction period, therefore impacting the inclusion within the classroom environment and consequently the economic and social empowerment of disadvantage groups of young people.

    The project is also in line with the Strategic Framework for Education & Training that underlines the importance to provide adequate initial teacher education, continuous professional development (CPD) for teachers, and to make teaching an attractive career-choice.

    1. Providing newly qualified VET teachers with an online diagnostic tool assessing their professional skills and identifying the areas of improvement ensuring further, relevant, based on their individual needs CPD.
    2. Up-skilling newly qualified VET teachers with soft skills methods and tools fostering inter-cultural communication and competences, increasing participation and learning performance of disadvantaged learners and combating discrimination, racism, bullying
    3. Equipping newly qualified VET teachers with digital guides on increasing social inclusion within classroom environment with use of training scenarios of interactive, project-based learning activities ready for immediate classroom implementation.


    Number:N°: 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050618

    Programme:Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

    Period: 01.10.2018 – 30.09.2020

    Partners:UNIWERSYTET LODZKI, Poland;

    Stowarzyszenie EURO LIDER, Poland;

    Know and Can Association, Bulgaria;

    Valencia Innohub, Spain;


    InEuropa srl, Italy

    Website: https://platform.e-vetproject.eu/



  • S4B




    projectslogo.s4bName: Digital soft skills for blended learning

    The overall aim of S4B project is strengthening and supporting teachers’ profession as it focuses on creating innovative tools aiming to enhance the key abilities and attitudes, necessary for effective implementation of digital learning and proper functioning in the new educational reality. To achieve this, the SB4 project pursues the following objectives:

    - To build a strong partnership network of 7 participating organizations in 4 European countries.

    - To develop a training system of learning skills based on practice.

    - To train teachers in this simple and effective method of acquiring skills based on micro-videos, micro-tasks that will create micro-habits that will become micro-successes.

    - Offer support to the education system in the digital transformation of education.

      - DISCOVERING THE WAY: a supporting tool for teachers and educational experts in the form of a research report, aiming to create a map of the 12 most important soft skills needed for effective and successful managing of digital learning process.
    - WALKING IN THE PATHWAY: a didactic tool aiming to support teachers and educational staff during the process of acquiring and improving their soft skills, needed for enhancement of their pedagogical work in a digital environment.
    - SKILLS PATHWAY: a handbook with guidelines for practical application of the research report mapping the 12 crucial digital skills and the training toolkit for their development.



    Programme:KA220- Cooperation partnerships in school education

    Duration: 1.11.2021 - 31.10.2023

    Partners: 145 School "SIMEON RADEV"- Bulgaria, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria, CENTRUL PENTRU PROMOVAREA INVATARII PERMANENTE TIMISOARA ASOCIATIA- Romania, GROWTH COOP S.COOP.AND- Spain, ASDPESO- Portugal, LICEUL TEORETIC "WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE"- Romania, Colegio Séneca S.C.A.- Spain;
  • SayIT




    projectslogo.SAYITName: Advancing vocational competences in soft skills for IT professionals

    The objective of the SayIT project is looking for strengthening key competences in initial and continuing VET for IT professionals through reinforcing their soft skills and making them more qualified and competitive on a professional level. SayIT project will address primarily IT professionals who are hampered in their professional development due to the lack of relevant soft skills. The project will also address relevant stakeholders who can influence the training programmes offered for the representatives of the IT sector. SayIT project is expected to contribute towards the shift in perceiving the qualities that constitute a successful and valuable IT professional on the labour market.

    - Soft Skills curriculum for IT Professionals

    - Soft Skills Trainer app



    Programme:Erasmus+, KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA202-strategic partnerships in the field of vocational education and training

    Duration:1.10.2020 - 30.9.2022

    Partners: DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO, Poland, assist Gesellschaft für Unternehmensberatung und Personalentwicklung mbH, Germany, EMPORIKO KAI VIOMICHANIKO EPIMELITIRIO HERAKLIOU, Greece, Know and Can Association, Bulgaria, MARKEUT SKILLS SOCIEDAD LIMITADA, Spain, Mindshift Talent Advisory lda, Portugal, ATERMON B.V., Netherlands

    Website: https://sayit.erasmus.site/