


Name: E-Skills Training on Employability Practices & Solutions.

The project envisages increasing the mobility of vocational school students from five EU countries by developing their knowledge and skills in the area of soft employability skills and the development of an European area of learning by improving the quality of teachers/educators. The project will directly involve 500 students, 100 teachers and a number of representatives of educational institutions. During the project, students will undertake a course on soft employability skills (6 competencies) implemented in two stages - workshops in groups of 10 people supported by an e-learning platform and as part of self-education.

- Innovative e-learning platform

- Teaching materials for workshops

- Online platform

- Didactic guides for educators

- Film from a case study


№: 2020-1-PL01-KA202-081778

Programme: KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA202-Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training;

Duration: 1.10.2020 – 30.09.2022

Partners: STOWARZYSZENIE “EURO LIDER”- Poland, Asociacion Valencia Inno Hub- Spain, UNIVERZA V MARIBORU- Slovenia, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria, E.RI.FO- ENTE DI RICERCA E FORMAZIONE- Italy;


E-STEPS: online educational platform

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E-STEPS: Newsletter 4

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E-STEPS: Newsletter 3

e steps logoCheck out the project third newsletter!

E-STEPS: Newsletter 2

e steps logoCheck out the project second newsletter!

E-STEPS: results

e steps logoCheck out the project results!

E-STEPS: Newsletter 1

e steps logoCheck out the project first newletter!