• Fair News




    projectslogo.s4bName: Fair News: Learning to navigate knowledge

    In the current landscape, in which young people are exposed to multiplying media perspectives, the question of how knowledge is created, disseminated, and consumed is ever-more important. Young people need the ability to recognize bias and identify fair and trustworthy sources of news and information. Further, as the digital world becomes increasingly atomised, and much of social and civic life takes place online, many young people risk disconnection and isolation from the local, national, and international communities.

    The project aims not only to enhance understanding among high school students of the operation of fake-news, but also to work with students on a deep level in order to strengthen their understanding of how knowledge and media content is created and distributed. The project aims to help students to become more conscious readers, co-creators and co-distributors of knowledge.

    To introduce students to the theory and practice of Fair News by:

    - Developing a deeper understanding of how knowledge is created, co-created, distributed and amplified in an increasingly complex digital landscape;

    - Improving awareness of the power of

    words and images from a holistic, multidisciplinary, and long-term perspective;

    - Offering a space in which students can

    learn and teach, enabling them to become media literate by listening as well as speaking to them, to prioritise the needs

    and voices of students;

    - Empowering students as digital citizens and participants in democratic life through new ways to consume, create, present and distribute their own news content;



    Programme:Erasmus+, KA220- Cooperation partnerships in school education

    Duration: 01-11-2021 - 01-11-2023


    Impresa Sociale SRL – ETS- Italy, SC Centrul de Resurse si Consultanta in Educatie SRL- Romania, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria, Traces&Dreams- Sweden, VIENNA ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATION VOLUNTEERS- Austria, TO SCANA OGGI SOCIETÀ COOPERATIVA- Italy;н
  • MINDtheGaps





     Name: Media Literacy Towards Youth Social Inclusion

    The project aims to contribute to the promotion of equal opportunities to young people in vulnerable situations, including those living in residential care institutions and to support development of media literacy, digital inclusion and critical thinking.

    Primary target group – young people aged between 15-18 years in risk of exclusion, including NEETs.

    Secondary target group – school communities/residential care institution staff: managers, administration staff, education counsellors, parents, surrounding communities, students from 12 to 16 years old and teachers.


    • Youth Media literacy promising practices handbook – a digital handbook about media literacy and critical thinking practices both in formal and non-formal education and training activities among young people. It will contain European shared resources suggestions, initiatives samples, activities and reflection based on field experience.

    • Open educational resources – short video stories to raise awareness about media literacy including human rights, children’s and young people rights online, cyber security, author’s rights, multiculturalism and gender issues, prevent violence, European identity, etc; interactive games about media literacy to be played by young people inside or outside schools (12-16 years).

    • Assessment/testing materials – a conceptual framework, usability tests and evaluation form for digital resources target to young people from a multicultural perspective including special attention to cultural discourses, gender representation, written language, iconography, interculturality.



    №: 2019-2-PT02-KA205-006226
    Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for Youth
    Duration: 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2021
    Know and Can Association – Bulgaria; UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO – Portugal;
    APLOAD Lda – Portugal;

    Website: http://digitaliteracy.eu/mindthegaps/