


projectslogo.emotionName: SMILES: Supporting Mental Health in Local European Schools

The SMILES project will work to support schools and educational settings to be healthy and inclusive environments in which children learn critical skills to strengthen their emotional and mental well-being. Mental health is an intrinsic part of individual health and a foundation for healthy communities and nations. The SMILES project will help ensure that teachers, schools and communities are supported and better equipped to respond to the emotional and mental wellbeing needs of their students and create inclusive learning. The SMILES project will work to promote good mental health for all children, protect vulnerable children and care for children facing the greatest challenges.

EN Co Funded by the EU POS

  - "Measurement tools" to understand mental wellbeing and mental health needs in Schools;
- Toolkit for teaching key mental health skills and knowledge;
- Resource guide for parents;
- Alliance in Schools programme to build Supportive school and out-of-school environments;


β„–: 2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000085840

Programme: KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education

Duration: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2024

Partners: NU "Sv. Paisii Hilendarski"- Bulgaria, GROWTH COOP S.COOP.AND- Spain, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria, Stowarzyszenie SEDA- Poland, INSTITUT INPRO, a.s.- Czech Republic, CARLOS V SOCIEDAD COOPERATIVA DE ENSEΓ‘ANZA- Spain, Zespol Szkol i Placowek Specjalnych- Poland, Zakladni skola J. Gutha-Jarkovskeho- Czech Republic;

SMILES: Newsletter 5

smiles logoCheck out the project latest newsletter!

SMILES training in Granada

smiles logo🀩 The Smiles project training in the beautiful Granada, πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Spain took place last week! Our colleagues and πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« educatorswere working and doing practical activities in the following fields:

SMILES: Newsletter 4

smiles logoCheck out the project 4th newsletter!

SMILES training in Spain

smiles logo🀩 The Smiles project training in the beautiful Granada, πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ Spain has already started! Our colleagues and πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« educators are working and doing practical activities in the following fields:

SMILES- Newsletter 3

smiles logoCheck out the latest project news and activities in our newest newsletter!

Smiles online meeting

smiles logo🀩 Last week we had an online project meeting of the Smiles project, dedicated to the project result called Smiling Mind: creation of a Allyship at 🏫 school program that trains the pillars of the integral approach (teachers and school staff, students and parents) to take real action and build a school that promotes πŸͺ· emotional and mental health.

SMILES- Newsletter 2

smiles logoCheck out the latest project news and activities in our newest newsletter!

SMILES- online meeting

smiles logoSmiles project online partners meeting took place online on October 3rd 2023. We discussed development of the project results and mainly (nut not only) the following topics: