🌍✨ Exciting News from Sofia, 🇧🇬 Bulgaria! ✨🌍
📣 Right now, the kick-off meeting for the 4C Project is taking place, proudly hosted by Know and Can Association! 🎉
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Results |
Info№: 2024-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000250013 Programme: Erasmus+, KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education Duration: 1.12.2024-31.11.2027 Partners: Agentura pro evropské projekty & management /vezkráceném znění EPMA/- Czech Republic, Mise HERo s.r.o.- Czech Republic, HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY- Greece, AMADORA INOVATION EM UNIPESSOAL LDA- Portugal, Know and Can- Bulgaria; |
We are happy to share that we start our work on 4C Future project!