The project Why Youth Work is Good is coming to an end. What it leaves behind?
Young people are the future of each country and also of the European Union and the World. The future prosperity depends on how they are prepared not only academically but also socially.
Youth GP
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Results |
Name: WHY YOUTH WORK IS GOOD The main idea of the project is to bring together partners from different countries who have experience in working with young people and who want to share their good practice examples and have a need to include some practice of partners into their own work. Partners with different types of youth work or different target groups of young people will be welcomed, so that different situations and approaches can be shared. Project objective is to promotion and increment of youth work / activism in society through sharing good practice, improved capacities, tools and activities of partner organizations; The project targets youth workers and |
• Development and implementation of 3 short staff mobility’s (trainings); • Conduct research on youth work framework in your home country; • Presentation and sharing examples of good practice with all partners; • Creating motivational videos; • Create 1 youth work workbook; • Two step dissemination. |
InfoProgramme: ERASMUS+; KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic Partnerships for youthDuration: 1.2.2019. – 31.3.2020. Partners: Know and Can Association – Bulgaria; Udruga IKS – Croatia; Cazalla, Lorca – Spain; Fundacja CAT, Leszno – Poland; Socialna academija – Slovenia; Interreg, Thessaloniki – Greece |