On January 30 and 31, 2020, the first meeting of the C-Game project - a career guidance game in a city full of opportunities, was held at the Czech Technical University building in the Department of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics.
The project has set itself the ambitious task, in the form of a game, to familiarize students in the 12-14 year age range with possiblities for further education, with a view to, and in the distant future, professional realization. This is the most vulnerable student group being on a crossroad of choices where, on the one hand primary education ends and the possibilities for continuation are different - language, vocational high schools, on the other hand, sometimes the wrong influences of the environment, friends and parents.
Mediterranean Inclusive Schools
Inclusive schools, multilingual framework, intercultural education, reception classrooms
Building Inclusion through New Learning Methodology
Mental arithmetic, abacus, micro motoric, photographic and muscular memory
Reinforcing Educator's Competences for Counselling and Motivation
early school leaving, labour market, professional counseling, career guidance, educators
early school leaving, drop-outs, teachers, youth unemployment, non-formal education, innovative tools
UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion
early school leaving, labour market, teachers, innovation, students, citizenship
4 Creativities
empowering teachers, early school leaving, students, motivation, innovative tool, creativity
SCHOOLS ENGAGE: Service Learning as a vehicle for fostering active citizenship in secondary education across Europe
school, citizenship, secondary education, service learningGreenGenerations: tackling climate change through intergenerational learning
ecology green methods environment generation climate changeLARPIC: Live Action Role Play to Increase Youth Active Citizenship
innovative learning methods role playFrom December 13 to December 15, 2020, at the Lyceum Tourism and Entrepreneurship Building in Bolu, Turkey, the second training for future educators of mental arithmetic was held. In an extremely welcoming environment for three days, with the active participation of the participants, the training was extremely communicative and useful for the participants. Preparation for the training was at a very high level, for which a special thanks to the hosts. Most of them are teachers at the local gifted children school, bringing together elites not only from the city but also from surrounding cities and even districts. There were also recent undergraduate students with a mathematics profile, as well as university professors.
On December 2nd and 3rd, the first meeting of the UNEX T-YOU project took place in the host building of the project coordinator 93rd School Alexander Teodorov - Balan. The project has set itself the ambitious goal of improving the skills of students in the 14-16 age group in reading, comrehension, writing and oral presentation.
From 7 to 12 October 2019 in Dax, France, the DROP-IN project coordinator Pistes Solidaires, with the support of all partners, organised a training course led by educational experts and specialists in non-formal education. The course was attended by teachers from the partner schools who want to discover, develop and introduce non-formal educational techniques in their classrooms. The aim of the training was to empower the teachers to be key actors in the educational process, encouraging and motivating them to make changes in their own classroom and subsequently in the school environment.