



As an answer to the increasing number of early school leavers

As an answer to the increasing number of early school leavers, many countries in the EU have developed Second Chance education programs in order to reintegrate children and youths in schools so that they can obtain minimum qualifications. Children enrolled in Second Chance programs are mostly underqualified early-school leavers, who have difficult access to employment and often lack basic social skills to adequately integrate into the society, thus making them more vulnerable and exposed to abuse, exploitation and mistreatment.

Many of these children and youths have migrant background (children on the move) which makes them especially vulnerable. Therefore there is an immediate need to develop inclusion programs and adequate teaching methodologies to encourage migrant children to stay enrolled in education programs and lower their marginalisation.

Quality learning experience - Quality active ageing

QAA aims are to enhance the provision and quality of learning opportunities for seniors through like minded partners coming together to showcase their current provision, provide a forum for new ideas, identify and promote good practice. It is important, increased longevity is coupled with quality of life through active ageing and steps are taken to ensure through healthy living that older citizens remain independent as long as possible and contribute to society. Remaining active can reduce the likelihood of dementia (which is an increasing concern across Europe) and other health conditions.

On June 13th and 14th the second partner meeting under project ROBIN

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On June 13th and 14th the second partner meeting under project ROBIN (“Reinforcing  cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology”, number: 2015-1-RO01-KA204-015001) was held in the office of Know and Can Association. Members from all of the five partner organizations Elvetia (Bucharest, Roamnia), die Berater (Wien, Austria); Know and Can Association (Sofia, Bulgaria), INTRAS (Valladolid, Spain) CSC Danilo Dolci (Palermo, Italy) took part in the meeting.

A training course under project ACE - „Developing Adult Educators‘ Competences...


A training course under project ACE - „Developing Adult Educators‘ Competences to Promote Learners‘ Lifestyle Entrepreneurship“ (No. 2015-LT01-KA2014-013404, financed by Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices”, Action “Strategic partnerships for adult education”) started on November 14th 2016 in Cyprus. The participants in the training are 24 adult educators from the 6 partner countries Lithuania, United Kingdom, Poland, Cyprus and Bulgaria. The partners in the project have prepared 5 educational modules connected with development of lifestyle entrepreneurship skills which will be presented and tested during the meeting. At the end of the course the participants will get Europass certificates.

The phase of creation and evaluation of success stories about prosperous


The phase of creation and evaluation of success stories about prosperous entrepreneurs under project ACE - „Developing Adult Educators‘ Competences to Promote Learners‘ Lifestyle Entrepreneurship“ (No. 2015-LT01-KA2014-013404, financed by Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices”, Action “Strategic partnerships for adult education”) was completed effectively.

The team of Know and Can continues its work under the project ROBIN

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The team of Know and Can continues its work under the project ROBIN Reinforcing cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology, with project number 2015-1-RO01-KA204-015001.

Till the moment, was conducted a Research study on the current methodologies used within second chance programmes (especially for children on the move). The research was realized simultaneously in all partner countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria and Spain). As leader in the production of this Intellectual output, Know and Can’s staff collected and analyzed the results from the national researches and afterwards prepared a Common Report on the Research study on the current methodologies used within second chance programmes.

The active work on the project „ROBIN" continues

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The active work on the project „ROBIN- “Reinforcing  cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology”  with project number: 2015-1-RO01-KA204-015001, continues.

The activities which we are currently implementing were agreed during the first partner meeting in Bucharest. The event was held in January and was organized by the Romanian organisation(and project coordinator) Terre des hommes. Representatives of all partner organizations attended the meeting. The Bulgarian participation was ensured by the managers of Know and Can Association. The event lasted one day and during it were discussed several issues: already implemented activities, as for example the Plan for Research of the methodologies used within the second chance programmes for children on the move and on the other hand, the activities which will be implemented in future- as for example the realization of the research; the elaboration of Risk mitigation plan etc.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects only the views of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The flyer of ROBIN project Reinforcing cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology


The flyer of ROBIN project “Reinforcing  cOmpetences to Build Inclusion through a New learning methodology” /2015-1-RO01-KA204-015001/ is already available.