Make a Difference
Name: Make a Difference
The main idea of the project is to promote solidarity through activities that will be carried out by volunteers, such as: work with people with disabilities, work with children and work related to the preservation of cultural heritage.
All planned activities are directly related to the promotion of solidarity, as well as the support of volunteers through their personal and professional growth, as well as active citizenship in the following areas: culture, education and training, skills development and youth work.The target groups targeted by the project are the children from the center for work with children at the Know and Can Association, people with disabilities in Caritas, residents of the Danube Region and children involved in the arts in Chepelare.
Volunteering in Bulgaria by 20 volunteers from Europe in 4 fields:
- Voluntary work for 6 people in the field of culture;
- Voluntary work for 4 people in the field of education and training;
- Voluntary work for 6 people in the field of skills development;
- Voluntary work for 4 people in the field of youth work;№: 2018-1-BG01-ESC12-061140;
First agreement: 2018-1-BG01-ESC13-061152
Second agreement: 2020-2-BG01-ESC13-079437
Programme: European Solidarity Corps (ESC)
Duration: 2019 - 2022
Partners: Know and Can Association, Children’s Complex- Chepelare, Association of Danube River Municipalities “Danube”, “Blagoveshtenie”- Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration for People with Disabilities, ASOCIACION CAZALLA-INTERCULTURAL, Childproof, PISTES SOLIDAIRES; -
According to Eurostat, the COVID-19 crisis may affect about 7.3 million cultural and creative jobs across the EU. With thе aim of supporting the cultural and creative sector the project was born.Name: Flipped studio “Successful Innovator”
Project’s objectives:
- to set up and provide access for upskilling pathways in the format of flipped studio “Successful Innovator” which sets out to enhance learners’ skills development and competences that reinforce creativity and innovation in CCS;
- to equip adult learners with the set of innovative solutions in CCS during COVID-19 to unveil opportunities that can be sought in a critical context and contribute to the resilience of the cultural and creative sectors;
- to develop assessment tool to track the progress of adult learners to become successful innovators in CCS;
- to support adult educators in effectively running the flipped studio “Successful Innovator”.- Set of Innovative solutions in CCS during the COVID-19
- Flipped studio “Successful innovator”
- Assessment Tool for recognition of innovator’s in CCS competences
- e-Toolkit for adult educators “Modern flipped studio “Successful Innovator in CCS”
Programme:Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Partnerships for Creativity
Partners: Social Innovation Fund – SIF, Lithuania, Birštono kultūros centras – BKC,
Lithuania, Center for Social Innovation – CSI,
Cyprus, Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente – CPIP, Romania, CESIE, Italy, Know and Can Association – K&C, Bulgaria;
Website: https://www.nova.lpf.lt/