I am a personality, too

I am a personality, too

spin.002_thumbThe project aims in a period of 5 months to increase the level of information of 120 students aged 16-18 and to enrich their knowledge on the themes of  pshycoactive substances and HIV virus; to eliminate the dominating mistaken notions and the incorrect, inadequate and intolerant attetude proceeding from them towards people dependent on psychoactive substances and people with HIV; to declare our wish for changing the present situation of non-understanding and not knowing the specific characteristics of HIV problem; to show opportunities for reintegtating in society of addicted and infected people as people with equal chances who have rights, feelings and emotions just like healthy people; to build up skills in young people for health protection and prevention of risky sexual behaviour.

By applying of interactive art techniques used in the already set up youth-discussion club ‘Naturally’ to the Know and Can Association young people will come close to the situations, in which people with HIV are put in. Forum theatre enables people to act their real life problems and give suggestions for their decision. It is a proved method for increasing the sensibility to definite problems, developing community, in children’s and youths’ education, in individual development.

Some of the main activities included in the project are: writing of a script for a theatrical production on the problem of “HIV”; presenting the theatrical production to the youths; preparing of informational materials on the topic about HIV; making informational video clips performing the problem in an interesting and reachable way; formation and division of the target group into 9 small groups in three different schools; giving presentations; taking youth discussions on the problem of AIDS and addictions; announcement of a competition on writing an essay on the theme “I am a personality, too”; a competition on poster designs on the main problem; filling in questionnaires that include questions about the HIV, the drug addictions, young people’s attitude towards the problem of AIDS and addictions; producing flyers, brochures, posters and giving them to the young people who take part in the project.