In order to keep the high quality of the voluntary work, we made interviews with our new volunteers to see their fears and expectations. Today we want to share Uahna's interview.
Phase 2 of Take Off project has started. After the end of Jean and Yemi's voluntary service, we will host 2 new volunteers: Uahna and Maeylis.
Peter is getting more and more experience in his voluntary service. Here is what he shared with us:
Giovanna really made is rethink lots of things. See her experience.
Giovanna's voluntary service is still going on. See more of her experience!
Wе are happy to welcome Jean and Yemi in Know and Can Association. What are their fears and expectations? Here is what they told us:
We are very happy to announce that our volunteer- Peter is doing great in his voluntary service! Here is what he shared with us:
We are happy to announce that we chose 2 boys- Jean and Yemi to take part in Take Off project!