Wanna know more about the project results?
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Results |
Early school leaving (ESL) is a multi-faced and complex problem caused by mixture of personal, social, economic, education or family-related reasons. Schools play an important role in addressing ESL but they cannot and should not work in isolation. There is a need to adopt a more flexible approach and to combine the forces of various stakeholders in the process of reducing ESL at EU level – students, parents, teachers and pedagogical staff, business sector and labour market operators, policy makers and non-formal education institutions. UP2B objectives are: Target groups: |
• An online platform of pedagogical resources to be fed and used by teachers • A Manual that will highlight the relationship between multiple school subjects and a set of professions • A Compendium with pedagogical tools related to the Citizenship and the Labour Market – short, practical and attractive activities aiming to increase the motivation and participation of the students • An Online Compendium - ready-made digital activities to boost up the classroom environment |
Info№: 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061346 Partners: Website: http://up2b.eu/ |
We are happy to announce that the project Facebook group is ready!
We are happy to announce that we are starting our work on the third project product- a Compendium with pedagogical tools related to the Citizenship and the Labour Market – short, practical and attractive activities aiming to increase the motivation and participation of the students.
Despite the COVID-19 situation, the UP2B project partners managed to meet online via Zoom on 18th September 2020.
Despite the unusual situation, the UP2B project partnership continues the work on the project implementation!
Last friday, we had an online meeting with our partners in order to discuss what we've done until this moment and how we can organize our future activities considering the impact of Covid-19 pandemic at national and international level.