UP2B- ‘Boost Up Your Class’- more activities

logo up2b 03bco 244x122Check out the addtional activities connected to the ‘Boost Up Your Class’ handbook.

Citizenship & Job e-Pills Activities: will take the previous IO to a new dimension absolutely fundamental nowadays: the possibility to use a major part, or, if applicable, all, of the IO3 findings through digital solutions. This product will also allow for new solutions beyond IO3 findings since some tools and activities only exist or make sense in a digital way. Therefore, it constitutes the possibility to have all IO3 activities in a digital interactive media and to have additional only-digital activities to boost up classroom development and motivation by means of Citizenship and Labour Market approaches (including entrepreneurship in the applicable cases/subjects).

You can find it here: https://up2b.eu/assets/files/OFICIAL--UP2Bpillsactivities11.pdf

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