The project aims at within four months to train young leaders in respect to investigate and work out projects on European Programs, debating, conflicts and conflicts decisions, developing of creative and intellectual potential, improving of personal qualities. Applying the principles and methods of non-formal education will help young people in their interests, necessities, successful decisions of future problems and causes, giving meaning of free time, finding a suitable job, correspondent to their qualification and abilities. The result of the project will be the turning of youths into a key factor in Euro integration processes in Bulgaria. By pointing young people to express themselves and build personal qualities, the project will help young people to work in cooperation and take responsibilities.
There will be trained 30 youths in three 3-days theoretical seminars, including: conflicts decisions, psychometric tests and job applying, debating and project writing. These 3-days seminars will be followed by one 3-days seminars with practical purpose, including: debating contest, projects promotion, causes and tests decisions. The gained results and actual information about the target group will be published on the Znam I Moga internet site.