Project SMAT (Social Media & Adult Training)

znam.i.moga.logo.1SMAT (Social Media & Adult Training) utilises exchange visits and forums to discuss the use of social media in adult education.  Know and Can Association is one of eight European partners in this project. The other partners are from Germany, Spain, Poland, Great-Britain, Turkey, Finland and Romania

Although EU reports show an increase in the use of the internet and social media in general, there are not many examples of successfully implemented methods for training courses based on social media. This partnership is sharing its knowledge in this area.


All partners to this project are at the moment collaborating on creating concepts for the application of social media in adult education courses and sharing their knowledge in this area.

At this stage we are assessing on how social media are currently used within these eight european countries and the cultural aspects which may affect this usage.

In later phases, we will jointly produce and test a handbook, quality criteria and an example teaching unit, all based on social media.

There are five international project meetings in the participating countries to jointly discuss and work. Initial project meeting has already taken place in Spain / Jaca. Next meetings will take place in Germany, UK, Poland and Turkey.

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