What are the 4equality objectives and how are we going to achieve them?

4equality LOGO TransparentWhat are the 4equality objectives and how are we going to achieve them? Keep reading to see them.

The project key objective is to develop and test methodology and tools to facilitate access of young women in the risk of discrimination due to gender bias to the job market and support their fair career progressions since early career stage. It will offer tools to empower women to use their knowledge and capabilities to overcome the negative impact that gender bias can have on their equal participation and quality of their professional lives. For this, 4equality program will offer women in discrimination risk e-mentor and innovative development program + tools for youth workers, as agents able to support young women during the transfer from youth to adulthood (education to job market) and can at the early stage sensitize young women to possible challenges and help them build resilience to existing in the job market gender bias – tools for youth workers + e-mentor and training for use of the young women in their care. Based on needs analysis and state of the art regarding specific needs for strategies required for young women to overcome conscious and unconscious gender bias, 4equality will produce 3 main results:
1/ Skills self-evaluation tool to help women and youth workers define actual potential of the young women which complement their key qualifications - relevant life skills, meta skills, behavioral strengths and other job relevant characteristics, to better understand their competitive advantages, and how they can be used to stand out on the job market and position oneself for success, but also integrating motivational aspect to help overcoming internal barriers (e.g., internal biases),
2/ Toolkit for youth workers - For building awareness of the issue among young women, understanding the discrimination & supporting women going into male dominated areas to protect themselves, and fostering more gender-inclusive behaviours and resistance to male-dominated corporate culture among young males and females, to help the cultural change through generational change,
3/ Multidisciplinary e-training specifically designed to develop young women’ readiness to deal with gender bias and proactively and effectively overcome these barriers to job market.
The result will allow women and youth workers increasing readiness of young women to overcome negative impact of biases on their job prospects, improving their employability and empowerment to compete for jobs appropriately corresponding to their capabilities and qualifications, hence avoid in early career stage joining NEETs, skills mismatches employment or pressure of the work environment on leaving male dominated occupations or job settings. For this, it is designed to involve agents across economic and civic areas, starting from diversified partners’ profile with different experience in youth-oriented activities, but with recognition for importance for active intervention in this area, to involvement of agents from diversified sectors in project activities through promotion, associated partners etc.

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