



Name: Enhancing the social inclusion of low income single parents

Single parent families with dependent children are at an increased risk of poverty and social exclusion.

Increasing single parents’ economic independence, with particular attention to single mothers, is key to raising them and their families out of poverty. Work-life balance measures also play a prominent role in supporting the full participation of single parents in society. Access to services such as childcare, long-term care, as well as education & training, and other enabling services can remove barriers to the labour market and contribute to social inclusion.

The ParentBank project aims to contribute to the socio-economic empowerment and inclusion of lowincome & low-qualified single parents, setting the following objectives:

• Support single parents who are low-skilled/qualified, in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences, sense of initiative, entrepreneurial mindset and skills, in order to foster their employability and socio-educational and personal development,
through the running of an online time-bank

• Extend the competences of practitioners who support single parents in the teaching of numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills, incl. through the use of digital technologies, so that they can provide high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of low-skilled single parents.

• Encourage low-skilled/low-qualified single parents to develop and upgrade their literacy, numeracy, digital, entrepreneurship competences and/or other key competences through peer-to-peer outreach, guidance and motivation

• Promote access of low-income single parents to childcare and other services (they may be unable to afford) through time-banking (providing services to one another) that can also facilitate/support
their entry into the labour market or further training

  • Training programme for practitioners who support single parents, in the teaching of literacy, numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills
• Training programme for the building of literacy, numeracy, digital competences, sense of initiative,
and entrepreneurial skills of low-skilled single parents
• Elaboration of guide for the development of time-bank business plan & sustainability strategy
• Creation and piloting of single parents’ time bank


№: 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063798
Programme: ERASMUS+; KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA204-Strategic partnerships for adult education
Duration: 01.10.2019. – 30.09.2021.
Asociatia Habilitas - Centru de Resurse si
Formare Profesionalal – Romania
Parents' Association "Step by Step"– Croatia
Asociación Caminos - Asociación para el intercambio educación y desarrollo social – Spain
Know and Can Association – Bulgaria




ParentBank Meeting

ParentBank LogoParentBank online meeting was held today- 5th February 2021.



ParentBank LogoThe ParentBank partnership is announcing the launching of the online training program for practitioners who support low skilled/low qualified single parents that will aim at extending and enhancing the professionals’ competences in the teaching of numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills

PARENTBANK: 2nd Training of practitioners working with single parents

ParentBank LogoOn 1th and 2nd, October 2020 in Smolyan was held the second training of professionals working with single parents under the ParentBank project.

ParentBank: Second transnational project meeting

ParentBank LogoAs the Covid-19 pandemic reshapes the way in which we work, the second transnational project meeting of ParentBank project took place on 9th - 10th June 2020 online.  

Our partnership discussed the current development of the second intellectual output - training programme for the building of literacy, numeracy, digital competences, sense of initiative, and entrepreneurial skills of low-skilled single parents which aims to foster their employability, socio-educational and personal development. 

PARENTBANK: Training of professionals working with single parents

ParentBank LogoOn 5th and 6th, June 2020 in the town of Chepelare was held the first training of professionals working with single parents under the ParentBank project.
The region is remote, mountainous, with ethnic minorities, many of them living in hard-to-reach neighborhoods. The problems of single parents were especially highlighted during the quarantine around the emergency situation due to the coronavirus.

Intellectual Output 1: Training programme for practitioners who support single parents

ParentBank LogoThe first output on the project ParentBank – “Enhancing the social inclusion of low income single parents” is finalized!
Partners designed a training programme on improving professionals’ ability to foster single parents’ employability, socio-educational and personal development. In total six modules are developed that aim at extending/enhancing the practisers competences in the teaching of literacy, numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills (including through the use of digital technologies) so that they will be able to provide tailored training and support to single parents in developing these skills and key competences.

ParentBank - Leaflet

ParentBank LogoThe #ParentBank project aims at facilitating the labour market integration of #low-income single parents by promoting their access to childcare and other service that they may be unable to afford through the #time-banking (providing services to one another) and by developing their skills and entrepreneurial spirit which can improve their #employment status.

The ParentBank project leaflet could be downloaded from here!

📌 Visit the project website 🌐 for more info: 👉👉👉
Stay tuned for more news! 👀

ParentBank - Press release 1

We gladly present to your attention the first Parent Bank project Press release!