Development of a supportive framework for young Roma people entrepreneur - Kick-off meeting

“Development of a Supportive Framework for Young Roma People Entrepreneur” Kick-off Transnational Project Meeting was held in Bucharest, Romania from 16th-17th January 2020. The meeting was hosted by REDI and all project partners actively participated in the development map for the next two years of the project.

The meeting started with an official opening from the coordinator REDI and a short presentation of all participants, and their organisations. During the main part of the meeting, the overview focused on major operational issues and the necessary steps for the creation of the three intellectual outputs – YREED an entrepreneurship toolkit; a training module; a set of videos and tutorials for young entrepreneurs. The organization of multiplier and blended events were discussed as well as dissemination activities.
The target groups of the EKS project are young Roma people, especially aged 20-26 and secondary, non-Roma people who have interests in social entrepreneurship.
The impact of the project will be significant as the products are not only designed for Roma people but also young people from disadvantaged groups and non-Roma people. Developed materials will address young Roma people needs and of young people in general preferences supporting them in developing own business plans and learn how to be more supportive with other culture entrepreneurs.
One of the first tasks is a conduction of desk research at national level in order to provide a state of the art what are the particular needs and status of young Roma people in all partner countries. In this way, the project will ensure that their needs are properly taken into account and at the same time to facilitate better integration of young people from disadvantaged groups across Europe.