Name: #YouEU – Harnessing the pot ential of digital tools to strengthen youth participation in EU democratic life
The purpose of the #YouEU project is to reinvigorate the relationship of European Youth with the EU and promote active youth participation in the EU democratic life by harnessing the potential of digital tools and promoting e-participation.
- Enhance the capacity of youth workers and CSOs professionals to support young people on using digital democracy tools so as to better understand the EU democracy and to contribute in EU democracy processes;
- Raise awareness and educate youth on e-democracy and participation concepts, tools and their potential;
- Strengthen transnational cooperation among youth and foster an EU digital public sphere;
- Prepare youth for participation in the Conference for the Future of Europe;
- Foster understanding and a sense of a common European identity;
- The #YouEU Toolkit, an e-publication in the form of e-book with embedded links;
- The #YouEU Platform available in English and all participating country languages, user-led and with real-time content update;
- The #YouEU experience: Lessons on e-participation and youth empowerment with youth views recounting their experiences on applying digital tools for participation in EU affairs;
- Delivery of education and awareness raising seminars with young persons in five (5 countries) to a total of 300 participants;Info
Programme:Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth
Duration:1.2.2021 – 31.1.2023
Partners:UNIVERSITY OF PELOPONNESE, Greece, Family and Childcare Center - branch in Skopje, The Republic of North Macedonia, DIE BERATER UNTERNEHMENSBERATUNGS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, Austria, Know and Can Association, Bulgaria, INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING AND MOBILITY AGENCY SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDAD LIMITADA, Spain, BeKnown S.P.C., Greece;
Website: https://www.youeuproject.eu/
Directed By You(th)
Directed by You(th) will utilize a still little used method of participatory video making – or participatory documentary making – to engage youth, give them a voice, encourage their participation regarding issues affecting them and their communities, connect them with other European youth, empower them to make positive social changes, show them how the issues they address can be connected to the European policymaking process, and develop useful digital skills for them concerning video making. Furthermore, the youth involved will learn basic graphic design skills to create a brand for their films, and to develop posters and leaflets to promote campaigns to tackle the issues they raise in their films. Thus, as well as having another outlet for their issues and another way to get their voice heard, they will also learn another skill – graphic design – potentially valuable to them in the future.Name: Directed By You(th)
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Bulgaria
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Italy
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Austria
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Spain
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Ireland
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Greece
- Filmmaking and Graphic Design Workshops in Romania
- Local Film Festival in Bulgaria
- Local Film Festival in Italy
- Local Film Festival in Austria
- Local Film Festival in Spain
- Local Film Festival in Ireland
- Local Film Festival in Romania
- International Film Festival in GreeceInfo
Duration:01.12.2022 - 31.05.2024
Partners: CEIPES (Italy), ASPAYM (Spain), EduACT (Greece), KNOW AND CAN (Bulgaria), ARDMORE (Ireland), ÖJAB (Austria), GAMMA INSTITUTE (Romania); -
Name: Laboratory of Creative and Rural Ideas for Youngers
The “Laboratory of Creative and Rural Ideas for Youngers” is a network of experimentation, discussion and exchange of ideas, which integrates a Digital Platform for collaboration and management of Rural Good Practices, promoting the entrepreneurial spirit and the launching of pilot projects of local development in the European countryside.
- Promote the critical spirit of European rural territory;
- Encourage the motivation and participation of young people, through a civic participation structure that will lead to the creation of a Digital Platform;
- Promote spaces for the training and exchange of Good Rural Practices in different areas of activity;
- Share innovative and creative techniques, methods and strategies, including the application of ICTs;
- Exchange of civic, linguistic, cultural and social experiences;
Promote the cultural identity of European rural peoples in an innovative way and generate activities of great social impact;
Programme: Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for youth
Duration:01.09.2018 – 30.06.2020
Partners: Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Duero-Douro- Spain, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria, FRAUGA Associação para o desenvolvimento integrado de Picote- Portugal, ZDRUZENIE INSTITUT ZA RAZVOJ NA ZAEDNICATA- Republic of North Macedonia, CENTRUL DE INCUBARE CREATIV INOVATIV DE AFACERI- Romania, ACROSSLIMITS LTD- Malta, UNITED SOCIETIES OF BALKANS ASTIKI ETAIREIA- Greece, EUROPOS SOCIALINIS VERSLUMO UGDYMO IR INOVATYVIU STUDIJU INSTITUTAS- Lithuania, Tudás Alapítvány- Hungary;
Website: http://rurallaboratory.eu -
Name: YOuth workers USing Theatre Augmenting cReativity
YO.US.T.A.R. focuses on theatre and performing arts as tools to foster the social inclusion of young people, based on an innovative theatre methods. The project has three overall objectives:
- To increase the social inclusion of young people through theatre, building on the European values of acceptance of diversity and tolerance, and the promotion of intercultural dialogue.
- To give young people a space where they can use theatre to foster self-esteem, self-consciousness and confidence in a new and stimulating environment;
- Literature Review and a Methodological Framework
- YO.US.T.A.R. Toolkit with pilot sessions in all partner countries, where young participants will be trained in the YO.US.T.A.R. method for a total of 210 youngsters with fewer opportunities
- YOUSTAR Recommendations for practitioners and compared analysis, where theatre staff and youth workers will find useful tips to work with theatre techniques and youth with fewer opportunities.Info
Programme:Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Partnerships for Creativity
Duration:01.03.2021 - 28.02.2023
Partners: CENTRO INTERCULTURALE ARTISTICO SICILIANO – LA GUILLA, Italy, MOSAIC POLITISMOS & DIMIOURGIKOTITA, Greece, Know and Can Association, Bulgaria, MIR AKADEMIEN AB, Sweden, ProSoc - drustvo za implementacijo projektov in razvoj socialnega podjetnistva, Slovenia, ASSOCIATION KULTURANOVA UDRUZENJE, Serbia, ASOCIACION CULTURAL Y DEPORTIVA LAHOYA, Spain
Website: https://youstar.info/
Youth Brokers of Social Innovation
The aim of MOBIUS is to stimulate the activity of young people in the field of social innovation on a local, national, and European scale by promoting the role and development of competencies, providing relevant tools, and sharing experiences and best practices, all supported by robust research. We want to enhance the skills and abilities of Social Innovation Brokers, particularly in the area of educational activities focused on partnership, entrepreneurship, and co-creation in innovation.Name:Youth Brokers of Social Innovation
- Preparation of a theoretical and comparative basis for the development of MOBIUS
- Creation of a training program, innovative in content and form, with a set of tools and good practices.
- Training a minimum of 50 people to become Youth Social Innovation Brokers.
- Creation of a European network of Youth Social Innovation Brokers - min. 100 people.
- Disseminate project results and ensure sustainability after project completion.
Number: 2023-2-PL01-KA220-YOU-000171409
Programme:KA220-YOU - Cooperation partnerships in youth
Duration:01/02/2024 - 31/01/2026
Partners: Foundation Supporting Local Ties "Linking Foundation"- Poland, DEVELOPMENT CIVIL NONPROFIT SOCIETY- Greece, Know and Can- Bulgaria, Infinitivity Design Labs- France, BACKSLASH- Spain;