What is financial literacy?

🌟 Youth and teachers, your opinion is important! 🌟

 🤔 Take the GAMEY survey and help improve financial education! By completing these questionnaires you will contribute to the creation of quality financial education 📊💡 programs in Bulgaria.

📍 Young people, please fill in the questionnaire that is especially for you and share what you know and what you would like to learn about financial literacy! 💰🎓 This information will help to develop more effective financial literacy programmes targeting young people.
👉 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmKEus4tNM2ud0wD4CqWMd-mIBJQrUzrBO_WfbtFprROVD3A/viewform

📍 Educators, your expertise is invaluable! Fill out the questionnaire created for you and share what resources and approaches can improve financial education in schools and the community. 📚💡 This will help us build more effective and appropriate strategies for all ages.
👉 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdM4o4iIhKA4fLY88q-4s7-4kzk0atvjqcHY8O2bB8CqqHByQ/viewform

🕒 Don't delay, fill in the questionnaires and be part of the GAMEY project which aims to make financial education more accessible and effective for all 🌱 !

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EN Co Funded by the EU POS