What are the expected results of the 4equality project?

4equality LOGO TransparentWhat are the expected results of the 4equality project? Check them out!

4equality offers methodology and tools for youth workers and self-development tools for young women to enable them to proactively combat the negative impact of gender bias on their professional life, by helping them to overcome internal barriers and anticipate and minimise impact of discriminative behaviours. It'll also promote awareness of the bias, and especially of subconscious gender bias on different aspects of professional life and on the lack of equal treatment in business and STEM.

4equality will produce:
- e-mentor for young women and support tools for youth workers supporting identification of individuals competitive edge with the look beyond the formal qualifications,
- tools for youth workers - How to support young women related to business and STEM in building their readiness to cope with bias and pro-actively react to discrimination,
- e-training for young women for achieving their readiness to deal with gender bias,
- tolls for awareness building in the area.

Stay tuned for more updates!