See more of Giovanna's inspiring experience!

logo smileGiovanna keeps on inspiring us! See her experience!


"We are realists: children, elderly people, people with disabilities, like all "weak" categories, are considered in our socio-political systems as non-productive subjects, to which to answer, well that goes, in a welfare or dependency entitlement form, or at least donation of a service to be borne by the community. Whatever may be said, this is the dominant narration. Not to mention, however, that around all of this there are whole resisting systems, intertwining lives and causes, discreet and daily struggles for affirmation, recognition, rights and integration, in order to overturn a stale and blind vision of those who are the "weak" subjects. Both by those directly involved those who live constantly in contact and those who dedicate their work every day.

So it is no coincidence that at the elderly center "Milosardie", where I served, I saw only a constant and tenacious "production" of cultural activities, of a certain profound, that despite the age of all respect of the lively participants would have made any club of aspiring innovators of my generation pale. And if I have always regretted that I cannot interact because of the serious linguistic gap, I have always been content with their enthusiasm and their stubbornness in keeping alive the flame of culture."

Not to mention the joviality of the children of the daily center, whose screams of joy still echo in my ears, and the contagious energy, in being contaminated by new languages and new cultures, with amazement and gratitude, completions open to new visions and projects, a palette of colours for the soul that always suggests that there is still hope against possible brutalization of our time."

Giovanna kids

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