microVET: what are the expected results? Result 4

microvetlogoWe are actively working on the project outcomes- and what are they? Check them out!

Today we will present to you project result 4: EU alliance for micro-credentials (Leader: ESHA)

To extend both the attractiveness and impact of the micro-credential approach, the partnership will establish a transnational alliance of relevant stakeholders that will not only promote the adoption of micro-credentials by training providers of any type, but it will also support its members in the development of high-quality results to increase overall impact and formalise a common framework of cooperation at a transnational level. The alliance will be an inclusive opportunity for all interested parties to join their forces and create an active partnership for micro- credentials, undertaking certain roles and responsibilities while also committing to support each other through the process.


Task 4.1: Strategic Plan and practical arrangements

Task 4.2: Pan-European alliance for micro-credentials

Stay tuned for more news!

EN Co funded by the EU PANTONE