After months of hard, but fruitful work, the #CIT4VET project partnership is almost at the finish line!
The project intellectual outputs are developed, translated in national languages and ready to be tested by the main target group they are intended to help – VET trainers and VET representatives.
Here is a brief overview of each CIT4VET product:
Оnline Database of intercultural tools
The database is a collection of intercultural tools to be used by VET Trainers. The tools are gathered in a grid which classifies them according to defined categories like Mode of learning, Mode of interaction, Culture focus, Copyright status etc. Users can select the tools by searching for specific categories. They also have the possibility to rate the usefulness of the tools so that future users can benefit from the feedback of previous ones.
Intercultural Training Materials
The project provides two kinds of Intercultural Training Materials:
1. E-learning with exercises and tests for self-study or to be used in the classroom. The topics covered in the modules are adapted to the VET sector and contain information about: What is culture? How can culture be visualized? What is the impact of culture on the VET sector? Which are the newest trends in the intercultural field?
2. A guide (with template) on how to develop useful intercultural training material and simulations in intercultural training.
Guidelines for Practical Application of Intercultural Aspects in VET Contexts
The Guidelines are a practical and illustrated Users’ Manual to the Open Online catalogue containing explanations about the chosen categories of and the tools included in the grid, as well as the training material.
More information about the pilot testing at national level will follow very soon!
Stay tuned!