Third meeting on TANGIN project - time for movements

On Dec. 4 and 5, the third meeting of the TANGIN project was held in Villarejo de Selvanes, near Madrid, at the friendly hosts of Colegio Santa Elena. The project enters the testing phase of the robot's capabilities and the creativity of teachers to use it in the context of the curriculum on various subjects.

Robot took his first steps in test sessions in Portuguese schools with primary school students performing exercises created with the joint efforts of all partners. The exercises are in different spheres and offer opportunities for easy and complicated options depending on the students' preparation. Some of the exercises were demonstrated live, and each participant was able to try working with the robot in a variety of exercises. Interesting was the feedback from the teachers involved in the test sessions - from initial uncertainty, through growing interest and awareness of the possibilities of integrating different subjects into an exercise, to innovative, engaging and often requiring non-standard solutions. Exercises allow and in some cases require group work, and the participation of all of the class can be combined with a competitive element or require the work of all groups to achieve a common goal. For the forthcoming teacher training in Aveiro, Portugal, where teachers from the 6th Graf Ignatiev School in Sofia will take part, 12 basic exercises will be prepared to serve as examples and a basis for the development of new ones tailored to the national characteristics of the school curricula.
Colegio Santa Elena already has other robots that are included in the learning process and are enthusiastically accepted by the children. We attended such an hour, and children's emotions in achieving the desired result were truly contagious.

A dynamic period of the project is forthcoming, after the teachers training, the Methodology and lesson plans will be adapted, and then there will be teacher to teacher training, which will give the project a mass appeal. The robot's capabilities depend solely on the creativity of the trainers and can find different applications in any subject from the current school curricula.

The next project meeting will be in Latvia on May 8th and 9th, 2019, where will be shared impressions of the already passed training and the newly created exercises.
News and current videos can be found on the project page as well as on the page of the association , where you can also apply for teacher training.