



Name: Promoting inclusion and a STEM curriculum in schools through the use of tangible programming concepts and activities

STEM skilled labour force has been, is and will be in high-demand in Europe. EU will have up to 825.000 ICT job vacancies by 2020 difficult to fill due to the shortage of skilled labour force.

The project aims to produce and deliver a set of educational resources and materials to promote and support the effective use of tangible programming tools and concepts by teachers in daily classrooms (at primary level schools) while teaching STEM-based subjects. These resources will enable teachers of introducing tangible programming concepts and STEM-based subjects, to young students, in a funny, engaging, pedagogical and inclusive way.

Tangible programming is a language similar to text or visual programming languages, but instead of using words/pictures on a computer screen, it uses physical objects to represent different programming elements, commands, and flow-of-control structures.

  • Turning programming into an activity that is accessible to the hands and minds of young children
  • Introducing programming concepts, promoting cognitive and spatial development
  • Promoting soft skills in young students, such as teamwork, troubleshooting and critical thinking
  • Promoting group work for a common goal strengthening team work and communication skills, independently of each one gender, social background, etc.
  • Identification of the STEM based subjects suitable for using tangible programming concepts and tools.
  • Creation of toolkit of resources and activities with involvement of the target groups and end users.
  • Teacher training package - a manual enabling training of primary school teachers on the use of tangible programming concepts and TangIn toolbox of resources.
  • Creation of Guide for Programming Oriented Schools full of tips and recommendation enabling other schools to undergo through the same or similar processes.
  • LTTA event - aimed at building the capacity and empower teachers of the partners schools to use the TangIn resources (the toolbox of educational resources) in their classes.


Number: 2017-1-PT01-KA201-035975
Programme: ERASMUS+; KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Strategic Partnerships for School Education
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019
Partners: Carriera & Alegre – Portugal;
Agrupamento de Escolas da Murtosa – Portugal;
Valmieras Pārgaujas – Latvia;
Colegio Santa Elena – Spain;
Know and Can Association – Bulgaria;
Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal;
INOVA+ - Portugal.
Website: http: http://www.tangin.eu/


TangIn Newsletter №2

TangIn logo 4JULY 2018 EDITION

Full version of the Newsletter 2 could be downloaded from here.
Enjoy the reading!

Tangible Programming is needed in European Schools

TangIn logo 4Preliminary findings from the desk research, questionnaires and focus groups show that most of primary level teachers are still not aware of what is tangible programming and how it can be used in their daily practices.

Bulgarian good practice - Finch the robot

TangIn logo 4An interesting innovation in Bulgaria! You can see more in the video

TangIn e-Brochure

TangIn logo 4Full version of the e-Brochure could be downloaded from here.
Enjoy the reading!

TangIn Newsletter №1

TangIn logo 4JANUARY 2018 EDITION

Full version of the Newsletter could be downloaded from here.
Enjoy the reading!