Know and Can Association is partner in the project “Euro4Science : Exploring « CSI Effect » and Forensic Sciences to boost the appeal of science to young people and reinforce interdisciplinarity in European high schools”( project number: 2014-1-PT01-KA200-001012 / 947100241).
The EU4SCI project is a Strategic Partnership that will explore the opportunity to use the potential of the “CSI effect” in schools, to address difficulties (e.g. school dropout, low interest in STEM) and challenges (foster interdisciplinarity) identified in the school system across Europe. The project is coordinated by University of Aveiro, Portugal (an institution with strong background both in forensic sciences and youth science training programmes). The partnership includes also 6 partners representing different cultures, with different and complementary fields of expertise and with direct connection with schools in the respective countries.
The project aims at developing and implementing innovative practices, tools and methodologies in schools, enhancing the quality and relevance of the learning offer in education, more specifically regarding the attractiveness of science-related subjects. By fostering the attractiveness of science-related subjects through exciting activities connected to the “CSI Theme” and by engaging teachers and pupils of different ages in a project held at international level, EU4SCI will contribute to decrease early school dropout and integrate pupils and teachers in a more motivating school environment.