From 7 to 12 October 2019 in Dax, France, the DROP-IN project coordinator Pistes Solidaires, with the support of all partners, organised a training course led by educational experts and specialists in non-formal education. The course was attended by teachers from the partner schools who want to discover, develop and introduce non-formal educational techniques in their classrooms. The aim of the training was to empower the teachers to be key actors in the educational process, encouraging and motivating them to make changes in their own classroom and subsequently in the school environment.
The training course was an integral part of the second project intellectual output EDUC’Action: The Education in Action!
EDUC’ACTION is a catalogue of non-formal education techniques meant to be used by teachers and facilitators, in different subjects, to support them in their everyday work with students. The general goal of the innovative tool is to enhance the capacities of the facilitators to stimulate active engagements and to maintain sustainable motivations for learning among the students by using the methods of non-formal education applied in a classroom environment.
During the training event in Dax, all teachers and non-formal educational experts from France, Bulgaria, Latvia, Italy and Belgium started to implement and test the collected non-formal educations methods and techniques. The results and feedback from the testing will be used for improvement of the catalogue and finalizing it before the national peer to peer trainings.
In November and December 2019 the teachers and trainers who attended the training organised in Dax, will act as trainers themselves and will disseminate the newly learned techniques among their colleagues. The next step will be carried out between January and June 2020 when the activities will be directly implemented in class with students.
It will be a great challenge for both students and teachers to be the main protagonists in an innovative educational methodology aiming to combat early school leaving!