DROP-IN Products and results

DROP IN logo CopyAfter 3 years of hard and fruitful work, we are happy to present you the final versions of the products created within the DROP-IN project! The DROP'IN project aims to prevent early school leaving by starting from the relationship between teachers and pupils and introducing non-formal education methods within the school context with the aim of motivating students and making them protagonists of their learning process. The project makes teachers the main participants in an exchange of experiences and skills that allows finding new solutions and strategies to address the phenomenon of early school leaving and combat it.


A quantitative and qualitative research on ESL at European, national and local level, providing an overview of the ESL phenomenon, analyzing public policies and innovative strategies to counteract it and enhancing the point of view of teachers and the needs of educational communities.

A catalogue of at least 46 non-formal education techniques used by teachers: it presents the activities, indicating the objectives, the duration and number of participants, the materials to be used, the results to be obtained and the methods of evaluation. Some methods, tested by teachers in the different partner countries, include also tips and comments for the implementation of the techniques and their adaptation to be used in some specific school subject or discipline.

A non-formal education-training programme led by experts for teachers who want to discover and develop non-formal techniques to introduce into their classrooms. Following that training, a peer-to-peer training was held in the different partner countries in order to enlarge the educative communities of DROP IN project and increase the number of teachers interesting in this approach.

An online portfolio, with the aim of transmitting and describing the experimentation developed within the project and above all making visible the results and impact of the methods tested in classrooms by the teachers .

The document presents the results of all the actions of the project and their analysis in order to provide concrete recommendations to policy makers on European, national and local level to encourage the introduction of non-formal education in formal education setting.

We thank all our colleagues for their active participation in the project activities and we hope that our work has contributed to solving the serious problem of early school leaving.

You can learn more about the project by visiting its website. You can also follow the DROP-IN project Facebook page!