We are happy to announce the start of UNEX T-YOU Project! The main idea of the project is to create a unique innovative educational tool to support teachers in their daily activities to provide high quality of teaching and present contemporary learning opportunities to their students.
The target group of the project are students from 14 to 16 years old.
UNEX T-YOU PROJECT is made up of a set of tools for teachers to implement using a more participatory, creative and flexible methodology, contributing to the integration and adaptation of students.
At the same time the gained knowledge and skills will facilitate them in the future integration into a society where they are increasingly required to compete and be versatile.
It also will more creative, personal, reflective and critical literary experience. In UNEX T-YOU PROJECT the student is seen from this perspective as the protagonist of the action and as the person directly responsible for the product.
There are several interesting facts in the project. The partnership consists of two partners from a country - Poland, Denmark, Spain and Bulgaria. One partner is a school and the other an NGO. The main target group are students on the threshold of completing their primary education, their external assessment and new educational opportunities based on it. Unfortunately, tracking PISA reports in recent years shows a downward trend for most partners except Poland.