Official start of S4B Project!

projectslogo.s4bWe are happy to announce the start of Digital soft skills for blended learning project.

The overall aim of S4B project is strengthening and supporting teachers’ profession as it focuses on creating innovative tools aiming to enhance the key abilities and attitudes, necessary for effective implementation of digital learning and proper functioning in the new educational reality. To achieve this, the SB4 project pursues the following objectives:

- To build a strong partnership network of 7 participating organizations in 4 European countries.

- To develop a training system of learning skills based on practice.

- To train teachers in this simple and effective method of acquiring skills based on micro-videos, micro-tasks that will create micro-habits that will become micro-successes.

- Offer support to the education system in the digital transformation of education.

The main expected results are:

- DISCOVERING THE WAY: a supporting tool for teachers and educational experts in the form of a research report, aiming to create a map of the 12 most important soft skills needed for effective and successful managing of digital learning process.
- WALKING IN THE PATHWAY: a didactic tool aiming to support teachers and educational staff during the process of acquiring and improving their soft skills, needed for enhancement of their pedagogical work in a digital environment.
- SKILLS PATHWAY: a handbook with guidelines for practical application of the research report mapping the 12 crucial digital skills and the training toolkit for their development.

Stay tuned for more news!

EN Co funded by the EU PANTONE