F.R.I.E.N.D.E.S.K.- the work on the first product has already begun!

Friendesk LogoWe are happy to announce that the work on the first intellectual output on project F.R.I.E.N.D.E.S.K. is going quite well!

 The partners are developing IO1 Comparative Studies on ECEC systems and Hub&Spoke Model Guidelines.

The objective of the IO1 is to analyse the situation of children exclusion and the quality of ECEC systems at European, national and local level.

At the moment the partners are preparing reports connected with the national context of the ECEC systems in each partner country.

The final output will consist of the following results:

- Final Report including quantitative and qualitative information on ECEC contexts at different level (local, national, European countries partners) and Guidelines for the Hub&Spoke Model experimentation
- Competence Framework including the target group identification

Stay tudned for more!

Erasmus Co funded EN text