Immediately after the international training event of facilitators, DIME consortium organised the second face-to-face partnership meeting in Palermo, Italy on 19th may 2022. The event was hosted by CEIPES and involved representatives of all partner institutions - Know and Can Association from Bulgaria, Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’educazione e lo sviluppo from Italy, Helsinki Business College Ltd. from Finland, and MIR Akademien AB from Sweden.
The partners meeting was focused on discussions on the work done so far in the implementation of WP3 Development of methodology and training material for employers for promoting diversity management and inclusion at the workplace in SMEs and NGOs and Work package 4: Training of facilitators and piloting activities. The participants thoroughly discussed the current state of the project work and carefully planned the remaining tasks and steps in its implementation. Key output from the meeting was that the partnership layed out the ground work for the implementation of the piloting sessions and national level - they discussed and agreed on the agenda, training scheme and structure, activities, feedback forms, recruitment of the SMEs and NGOs participating in pilot activities and discussed the structure of the national reports needed after.
TIme was also dedicated to the project technical management and implementation - financial issues, dissemination and visibility, evaluation and quality assurance.
The next and final face-to-face DIME meeting was planned for 26th September 2022 in Sofia, which will give the partners the wonderful opportunity to attend the final awareness raising conference in Bulgaria.
Stay tuned for more news!