The international facilitator training under DIME project was implemented in spring 2022 in sunny Palermo. The training was took place at the premises of CEIPES (May 2022), between 16th and 18th May 2022, involving representatives of all four partner organisations - Know and Can Association in Bulgaria, Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’educazione e lo sviluppo in Italy, Helsinki Business College Ltd. in Finland, and MIR Akademien AB in Sweden.
The course addressed those facilitators who will further implement the pilot activities and included two parts: a) training in methodology focusing on diversity management and inclusion at the workplace for SMEs and NGOs as introductory part, b) training in how to use the training material as help to self-help by employers in order to integrate diversity management and inclusion at the workplace. During the 3-day extensive training activities, the participants had the opportunity to go in-depth into the developed Methodology and training materials for diversity management at workplace. The obtained new knowledge and skills will facilitate their work on the implementation of the piloting activities at national level in each partner country.
The structure of each training day was similar - theoretical sessions, followed by practical workshops, group and individual activities on the 5 training modules: