Official start of SkillHelp project!

SkillHelp logoWe are happy to announce the official start of SkillHelp - Support for Development of Social Workers' Skills project!

SkillHelp project has the following aims:
- increasing the level of soft skills of employees in the area of social assistance;
- improving competences related to their professional practice;
- empowerment of social workers;
- improving the level of service to social workers, emphasizing the emotional and psychological aspect of the services they provide;
- strengthening the relationship between the social worker and his client;
- improving the well-being of social workers; - increasing job satisfaction of social workers and other groups/people involved in social work;

The expected results are sa follows:

- Diagnostic Tool for Assessment of Soft Skills;
- E-learning platform fostering soft skills improvement;
- Online course empowering social workers;

Stay tuned for more news!

EN Co funded by the EU PANTONE