Danilo Dolci and the partners of "Create Your Puppet, Create Yourself" is also developing a follow-up intellectual product - "Multilingual Online Compendium".
The electronic compendium includes all the knowledge and experience, be accompanied by trainees from each side - communicate during pilot seminars. It describes the training process that pilot groups and trainers go through, enriched by the assessment of all parties involved. The publication illustrates how puppet art promotes the cultivation of vulnerable adults and gives them the courage to cross social boundaries.
The goal is for all end users to have a wide range of cases to choose from. Ability to apply project training methodology in their daily work activities, pursuing their goal.
In this document can look at ten different learning processes and their actual results. The learning processes presented cover the following target groups:
- Patients with mental health problems;
- Long-term unemployed;
- Women facing social and geographical obstacles;
- People looking for a job;
- Women undergoing alternative measures to custody;
- Working with asylum seekers / refugees;
- Retired and unemployed women;
- Women at a crossroads;
- Working with migrants;
- Women from a disadvantaged neighborhoods.
After each learning process presented, its strengths and weaknesses can be found.
In addition, some general conclusions and recommendations from the results of the pilot sessions for working with different target groups are presented, such as:
- The applicability of the method depends on the degree of its adaptability;;
- Knowledge of participants prior to the seminar is required;
- Responding to the needs of participants;
- Optimizing the size of groups;
- Proper time planning;
- Usаga of ice-breaking and warm-up activities;
- Motivating the group;
- Considering the participants' desire or unwillingness to perform a specific activity;
- Ensuring the correct number of trainers;
- Puppet art is manual labor;
- Features of discussions, brainstorming sessions and brainstorming;
- The idea is more important than the play / performance;
- Creativity is very important, regardless of its aspect;
- Everyone can be a trainer using puppetry.
Information on the results of the CC project training implemented in five different countries. In general, the various target group proved:
- To increase their self-esteem and confidence;
- To increase their ability to work in team;
- To perform in public and express themselves both verbally and physically;
- To obtain a better awareness of themselves as individuals and as a group;
- To approach the issue of finding a job in a more open-minded way;
- To stimulate their creativity and sense of belonging to their communities.