JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children - TRANSNATIONAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY TRAINING FOR LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ON CHILD - FRIENDLY JUSTICE


To develop, pilot and implement a transnational and multidisciplinary training programme on child friendly -justice in cases of sexual violence against children for legal practitioners, police officers and welfare services’ staff on child-friendly justice in countries where the Lanzarote Convention has been recently ratified.



A2.1: Review existing training programmes in the light of the training assessment needs derived from the country specific reports.
A2.2: Development of the Transnational and Multidisciplinary Curriculum and Methodology (MCM) for legal practitioners, police officers, health workers, and social welfare staff working for/ with children within the judicial system answering to the needs and recommendations referred to in the countries’ reports.
A2.3: Training partners’ staff on locally delivering the MCM.
A2.4: A panel of experts on childhood issues will attend a pilot session to feedback on the contents of MCM.
A2.5: Final revision of the training materials.
A2.6: Development of the training study pack.
A2.7: Translation of the study pack into partner languages
A2.8: Local implementation of the training programme targeted at professionals closely working with children in cases of sexual violence against children.
A2.9: Evaluation of the training programme based on participants’ feedback.


JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children has been funded by the Rights, Equality & Citizenship Programme of the European Union. The authors are solely responsible for the contents of this report. It does not represent the opinion of the EU and nor is the EU responsible for any use that might be made of information contained in it.