• GlobArtist




    projectslogo.globartistName: Global Artists - Social and Labour Entrepreneurship with young artists

    Global Artists  aims to contribute to the entrepreneurial and social empowerment of 60 young artists in four European countries through an innovative and creative approach.

    The organisations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and Italy will seek to improve the professional and social competences of the young people through training actions and internships in local NGOs, in which the young people will be involved.

    This initiative will end with a final conference in which young people exchange and publicly show their experiences of participation in NGOs.

    - Handbook - Guide to the Global Artist Training

    - Training in artistic entrepreneurship, social innovation and technologies

    - Internships in social organisations



    Programme:KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA205-Strategic Partnerships for youth;

    Duration:01.03.2021 - 31.10.2022

    Partners: Instituto de Estudios Internacionales en Educación y Sociedad- Spain, A HUESO- Spain, CENTRO INTERCULTURALE ARTISTICO SICILIANO- LA GUILLA- Italy, Udruga Llere- Croatia, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria;



  • NOVA





    projectslogo.rechangeName: Flipped studio “Successful Innovator”

    According to Eurostat, the COVID-19 crisis may affect about 7.3 million cultural and creative jobs across the EU. With thе aim of supporting the cultural and creative sector the project was born.
    Project’s objectives:
    - to set up and provide access for upskilling pathways in the format of flipped studio “Successful Innovator” which sets out to enhance learners’ skills development and competences that reinforce creativity and innovation in CCS;
    - to equip adult learners with the set of innovative solutions in CCS during COVID-19 to unveil opportunities that can be sought in a critical context and contribute to the resilience of the cultural and creative sectors;
    - to develop assessment tool to track the progress of adult learners to become successful innovators in CCS;
    - to support adult educators in effectively running the flipped studio “Successful Innovator”.
    • Set of Innovative solutions in CCS during the COVID-19
    • Flipped studio “Successful innovator”
    • Assessment Tool for recognition of innovator’s in CCS competences
    • e-Toolkit for adult educators “Modern flipped studio “Successful Innovator in CCS”



    Programme:Erasmus+, KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Partnerships for Creativity


    Partners: Social Innovation Fund – SIF, Lithuania, Birštono kultūros centras – BKC,

    Lithuania, Center for Social Innovation – CSI,

    Cyprus, Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente – CPIP, Romania, CESIE, Italy, Know and Can Association – K&C, Bulgaria;

    Website: https://www.nova.lpf.lt/



  • SEIS




    projectslogo.SEISName: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovative Solutions

    SEIS Project gathers together 8 organisations from Europe and Latin America and focuses on providing capacity building for youth workers in the field of social entrepreneurship in order to equip them with skills, knowledge and tools for working with young people on this topic. Moreover, it aims to raise awareness about social entrepreneurship, its impact, importance and opportunities it offers, to engage youth in it, especially marginalized young people, to promote successful examples of social enterprises and to provide a platform for networking and knowledge-and ideas-sharing between peers and experts.

    It intends to make a valuable contribution to Europe’s 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth by focusing on social entrepreneurship as a means for contributing to solving the issue of youth unemployment, for involving and empowering marginalized youth, for promoting innovation and social inclusion on the regional level in Europe and Latin America.

    In the broader and more long-term aspect, the project aims to contribute to solving the issues related to unemployment of young people and the marginalization of certain groups in society who face difficulties in integrating in the labor market.
    • An innovative web platform with training materials and additional information on working with young people on social entrepreneurship (E-resource hub)
    • A mobile application for social entrepreneurs
    • An inspirational collection of success stories of social entrepreneurs
    • Training for youth workers on youth empowerment through social entrepreneurship
    • 2 phases of job shadowing for youth workers from Europe and Latin America
    • Local training courses for young people



    Number: 602415-EPP-1-2018-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA

    Programme:Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in the field of Youth

    Duration: 31.12.2018 – 30.11.2020

    Partners: Know and Can Association - Bulgaria;

    La Nube Coworking SpA – Chile;


    CONEXX - EUROPE ASBL – Belgium;




    Fundació Privada Mas Xirgu – Spain.

    Website: https://seisproject.eu/



  • UP2B




    projectslogo.UP2BName: UP2B - Boosting Up School Education towards European Citizenship and Labour Market Inclusion

    Early school leaving (ESL) is a multi-faced and complex problem caused by mixture of personal, social, economic, education or family-related reasons. Schools play an important role in addressing ESL but they cannot and should not work in isolation. There is a need to adopt a more flexible approach and to combine the forces of various stakeholders in the process of reducing ESL at EU level – students, parents, teachers and pedagogical staff, business sector and labour market operators, policy makers and non-formal education institutions.

    UP2B objectives are:
    -To enhance school attractiveness, diminishing rates of demotivation and absence and rates of ESL
    -To facilitate the relationship and the transition between school and the labour market
    -To increase students’ sense of citizenship by generating awareness about the labour market
    -To increase the sense of European Citizenship and its core values of equity, namely concerning Gender, Minorities and Human Rights, as fundamental Educational aspects

    Target groups:
    • Students 12-16 y.o.
    • Teachers, trainers, pedagogical staff
    • School communities (managers, administrative staff; educational councellors; parents)
    • Operators on the labour market


    • An online platform of pedagogical resources to be fed and used by teachers

    • A Manual that will highlight the relationship between multiple school subjects and a set of professions

    • A Compendium with pedagogical tools related to the Citizenship and the Labour Market – short, practical and attractive activities aiming to increase the motivation and participation of the students

    • An Online Compendium - ready-made digital activities to boost up the classroom environment



    №: 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061346
    Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
    Duration: 31.12.2019 - 29.6.2022

    APLOAD Lda – Portugal;
    Universidade do Porto – Portugal;
    Terras Dentro – Portugal;
    Know and Can Association – Bulgaria;
    University of Çukurova – Turkey;
    Çukurova Kaymakamligi – Turkey;
    BrainLog – Denmark;
    Rigas Pardaugavas Pamatskola – Latvia;
    CETEM – Spain

    Website: http://up2b.eu/