• On My Feet




    projectslogo.onmyfeetName: Supporting Disadvantaged Children to Discover Their Strengths and Thrive in Life

    The "On My Feet" project is dedicated to nurturing and empowering the youth of today, who represent the leaders, innovators, and workforce of tomorrow.

    Through tailored education and training programs, we aim to equip young people with the essential skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-evolving global landscape.


    • Develop 21st-century skills: To empower adolescents with essential 21st-centurys kills including communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. These skills are pivotal in today's rapidly evolving job market.
    • Foster inclusivity and awareness of differences: A strong emphasis on creating an inclusive environment that promotes awareness, understanding, and celebration of differences among participants.
    • Empower adolescents for their future careers: To guide adolescents in identifying their strengths, talents, and career aspirations. Through this, we help them make informed decisions about their future endeavors.
    • SELF-DEVELOPMENT COURSE: This comprehensive course will guide adolescents through a journey of self-exploration, talentidentification, and vision building. It will empowerthem to shape their own path towards personal andprofessional fulfillment.
    • TRAINING PACK FOR EDUCATORS: To ensure the effective delivery of the self-developmentcourse, we have developed a comprehensive training pack for educators. This equips professionals with the necessary tools and techniques to guide adolescents on their journey.



    Programme:Erasmus+, KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational

    education and training

    Duration:01/10/2023 - 30/09/2025

    Partners: Regional department of education Haskovo- Bulgaria, EMPRESAS CON VALORES- Spain, ΟΔΥΣΣΕΙΑ ΑΜΚΕ- Greece, Know and Can Association- Bulgaria, Mise HERo s.r.o.- Czech Republic;